Mogens Askholm


At Mogens Askholm ApS we can offer a variety of cut Christmas trees, pot-grown Christmas trees and greenery, which will create the perfect atmosphere for Christmas. Our firs are available in various sizes and sortings that will accommodate your needs. The list below shows the types of firs, sizes and sorting we currently offer.

Cut Christmas trees

Nordmann fir (Abies Nordmanniana) 


The Europeans preferred Christmas tree

The Nordmann fir is the most popular Christmas tree in Europe. The tree has a slow growth and can be used as Christmas tree 7-10 years after being planted. The Nordmann fir has a low needle drop and is very durable indoor. The tree can easily have its place in the living room for a long time just by placing it in a Christmas tree stand with water. 

Each tree is produced by cutting it in the right shape and regulating its terminal buds during growth to make it more dense and conical. In addition we also produce naturally grown trees, which are open and slim. 

The Nordmann firs are sold in heights of  1 - 2,5 meters. 


Norway Spruce (Picea Abies)

Norway Spruce5

The traditional Christmas tree

Norway Spruce is still the most traditional Christmas tree in some european countries. It grows relatively fast and has to be cut into shape to get the right apperance. It has a higher tendency to drop needles than the Nordmann fir, but with the right treatment, where it is placed in a Christmas tree stand with water it can easily keep its needles indoor during Christmas.

The tree is produced as shape cut.

The Norway spruces are sold in heights of  1 - 2,5 meters.


Pot-grown trees

Norway Spruce (Picea Abies)

Norway Spruce10

The traditional Christmas tree

Norway Spruce as pot-grown Christmas tree indoor or on the balcony/terrace is a good choice as it always appears fresh. The tree has no tendency to lose its needles, because it is kept in the soil it was planted in and a pot, which is designed for the purpose.

By the end of Christmas it is possible to replant the tree outside. 

Pot-grown Norway spruces are sold in heights of 0,6-1,5 meters.



Serbian Spruce (Picea Omorika)


Well known for its silver-green color

Serbian spruce as pot-grown Christmas tree indoor or on the balcony/terrace is a good choice as it always appears fresh. The tree has no tendency to lose its needles, because it is being kept in the soil it was planted in and a pot, which is designed for the purpose.

The tree has a beautiful silvery look and when Christmas is succesfully done the tree can be replanted outside. 

Pot-grown Serbian spruces are sold in heights of 0,6 - 1,5 meters.





Noble fir (Abies Procera)


The Formula 1 of greenery.

Noble fir is recognized by its astonishing silver-grey color and dense needles. It has a long durability and the needles has a low tendency to drop. We produce to export and cemeteries, where it is processed to fx. wreaths, decorations, hand-tied bouquets and grave blankets. 

Noble fir is being sold as greenery in different quality sortings in bundles of 1 - 5 kg.


Nordmann fir (Abies Nordmanniana)



The Nordmann fir as greenery

The Nordmann fir as greenery is recognized by its green color. It is very durable and doesn't drop its needles. We produce to export and cemeteries for further processing.

The Nordmann fir as greenery is being sold in different quality sortings in bundles of 1 - 5 kg.




The velvet greenery

Squarrosa is well known for its very delicate and soft needles and branches. The color can vary from green to silver and it is most often used as hand-tied bouquets or wreaths. 

Squarrosa is being sold in different quality sortings in bundles of 1 - 5 kg.





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